Just a little backstory....

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 9 months pregnant, My husband James and I arrived at the Hospital in anticipation of my inducement. Nathan was to be born the following day. Within 25 minutes we were given the shattering news that Nathan had passed away. My pregnancy was miraculous with no complications. How could this be?
Nathan was delivered Monday August 8, 2011. He was a beautiful little butterball weighing 8 pounds 12 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches long. With no Earthly reason for His passing, I created this blog with hope and purpose.

You are welcome to contact me at
@mamamonchhichi78 on instagram

Book Trailer


"Behind the book" interview


Tuesday, May 22, 2012


What are you doing with all of this? What am I expected to learn from this pain? Am I doing O.K....at least for today anyway? Some days the pain is just so raw, and other days painfully far away. I am not sure which feels worse though, and I wonder if I am trusting you and your promise to prosper me. Do I even really know what it means to trust you? Will I one day be like Job or Paul even? Will I ever be strong and wise and close to you like they learned to be? Will others one day tell my story long after I am gone, and tell of my love and devotion to you even through the worst of times? Will I be able to be such a person that can even thank you for this trial? Am I really being refined? I don't feel refined just burned. Please remind me that one day....one day...one day...I don't even know what, just remind me LORD. Remind me how important I am to you. Remind me that you are still in control. You know me better than I do, Remind me LORD..remind me.

I do love you, you know,