Just a little backstory....

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 9 months pregnant, My husband James and I arrived at the Hospital in anticipation of my inducement. Nathan was to be born the following day. Within 25 minutes we were given the shattering news that Nathan had passed away. My pregnancy was miraculous with no complications. How could this be?
Nathan was delivered Monday August 8, 2011. He was a beautiful little butterball weighing 8 pounds 12 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches long. With no Earthly reason for His passing, I created this blog with hope and purpose.

You are welcome to contact me at
@mamamonchhichi78 on instagram

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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

A little reminder please

Lord, I know you guide my steps. I do not do anything without you. I am never without your affection. But today Lord I need reminded. I need reminded that this pain is just a part of the refining fire. I need reminded that one day I will be beyond this, and maybe even better because of it. I need you to remind me who I am to you, and that no matter my doubts, I still need to trust you. Today, this very moment, I need you to remind me to believe even though I cannot see. Remind me that this is just for a little while, and that "one day at a time" is an acceptable pace. Remind me that I do not have to move the mountains. Remind me that this is your task, and that I only have to climb them. As always thank you for your patience. You know my soul well. Sometimes I just need a little reminder. Thank You for you grace :)

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