Just a little backstory....

Sunday August 7, 2011 at 9 months pregnant, My husband James and I arrived at the Hospital in anticipation of my inducement. Nathan was to be born the following day. Within 25 minutes we were given the shattering news that Nathan had passed away. My pregnancy was miraculous with no complications. How could this be?
Nathan was delivered Monday August 8, 2011. He was a beautiful little butterball weighing 8 pounds 12 ounces and measuring 20.5 inches long. With no Earthly reason for His passing, I created this blog with hope and purpose.

You are welcome to contact me at
@mamamonchhichi78 on instagram

Book Trailer


"Behind the book" interview


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Words I cannot speak

Here lately I have found that music is speaking the words I cannot seam to utter. Nathan's 1 year Birthday is a few weeks away and I have to admit that it is an ache in the pit of my stomach. It is a looming cloud of bitter sweet. I thank God for the miracle that Nathan remains, but it is difficult to accept his absence.

So in this space of waiting and pain I am finding music to speak louder than ever before. Through music I am able to praise God when I myself cannot utter the words on my heart.I will continue to praise God. I will praise because he is worthy, and also because through praise He defeats the enemy. Praising God will not bring Nathan back, but it does allow me to appreciate where he is. Praise brings me closer to Glory, and that is where my Son is. I want to be as close to Nathan as I can, and through God I can do that.

People comment that I am so strong. Actually I am not. I am very weak. I am heartbroken. I struggle every moment of the day. Sometimes breathing is so difficult I just want to crumble. But I am O.K. with being weak. Through my weakness and shaken faith God is mighty and strong. When you have nothing left, and everything you have ever dreamed is lost to you , you find yourself at the end of who you are. You find yourself at the end of all your expectations and plans. This can be a beautiful thing though. Because at the end of who you are is where God meets you. He meets you in the broken places when all seems lost, He meets you when you have no direction, and every step is shaky. In this place He gives you unimaginable peace. A peace that goes beyond words. In the crying out, and in the times of shouting “Why God? Why?” , and the times when my heart screams in agony, there is still peace. I find God in this place of brokenness.

Thank You God for music. Just when I need to release my emotion, I will hear a song that says what needs saying. Thank you to my sweet sister for sharing this song with me.


  1. I've been thinking about that little butterball and his sweet parents. We miss you, sweet boy!

  2. Awww thanks Ash. What a butterball indeed. I've been sending prayers your way. We love you.
